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Leveraging Routines to Strengthen Executive Function Skills

The Seattle Special Education PTSA, in partnership with Decoding Dyslexia Washington, Inland Northwest Dyslexia Alliance, and Bellevue Literacy, present the next event in our Supporting your Dyslexic Learner webinar series: Leveraging Routines to Strengthen Executive Function Skills

Have you ever found yourself in a repeat reminder pattern with your child? Asking them constantly to wake up and get dressed to go to school, pick up their clothes off the floor, or put their lunch box away.

Children who are dyslexic or have other learning disabilities have weaker working memory and executive function skills, making it harder to complete everyday activities successfully. Executive function skills help our kids plan, organize, follow through on tasks, be independent, and more. Attend Leveraging Routines to Strengthen Executive Function Skills, and you will learn:

  • Why do executive function skills matter for dyslexic children

  • What can you do as a caregiver to support your child

  • How to leverage routines to ease transitions, create more flexible thinking, and more

All people have strengths and weaknesses with their executive function skills and could benefit from this webinar, but for people who are dyslexic or have other learning disabilities, learning to strengthen executive function skills is critical.

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