We strongly suggest joining or tuning in if you can!
We're excited to be heading back to Orlando for our 62nd Annual International Conference! Thanks to feedback from our 2024 attendees, we're working on making our 2025 conference better than ever, and working on providing even more breakout sessions on the topics you want!
The Science of MTSS
Read Washington is excited to offer our next live webinar, The Science of MTSS: Integrating Your Literacy, Social, Emotional, and Behavioral MTSS Framework, with Dr. Kimberly St. Martin on Saturday, September 28th, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PDT.
Integrating your literacy, social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) supports can lead to greater student outcomes. This session will briefly describe the research for integrated supports. Examples of classroom (Tier 1) practices elementary and secondary teachers can use to create safe, predictable, and instructionally engaging environments to prevent and address reading difficulties will be shared. Attention will also be paid to how middle and high school teachers can integrate strategies into core subjects to increase content comprehension before, during, and after reading text used in classes.
This webinar will be recorded. Registration fee includes access to the webinar recording and presentation materials.
Your registration confirmation email will provide the Zoom webinar link.
Dr. St. Martin is the director of Michigan’s MTSS Technical Assistance Center and co-director of the state’s federally funded State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG). She is also a co-principal investigator of the Institute of Education Science (IES) grant, ReACT Initial Efficacy: Testing the Effects of a Promising Intervention to Achieve Equity in School Discipline. Previously, Dr. St. Martin was a co-principal investigator of an IES grant evaluating a state-level initiative to implement supplemental academic and behavioral interventions in an MTSS framework and a co-director of a federally funded adolescent literacy model demonstration grant. She has been a panel member for the IES Practice Guide, Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4–9. Dr. St. Martin has also collaborated with the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Effective Implementation Cohort. She also worked with the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) as a Center Trainer. Dr. St. Martin is the primary author of the Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory (R-TFI) and co-author of implementation capacity assessments for districts and Regional Educational Agencies to guide their supporting infrastructures for an MTSS framework. She has more than 24 years of experience in the field of education.
Spotlight on Dyslexia through Learning Ally
Virtual Conference
Teach. Transform. Triumph.
Teach students with dyslexia using evidence-based instruction in all places and spaces to supercharge their academic journeys.
Transform classrooms by using assistive technology and accommodations, ensuring that all students thrive and succeed.
Triumph by fostering a supportive school environment that celebrates neurodiversity and helps every student flourish.
Spotlight on Dyslexia Virtual Conference by Learning Ally
Teach. Transform. Triumph.
Teach students with dyslexia using evidence-based instruction in all places and spaces to supercharge their academic journeys.
Transform classrooms by using assistive technology and accommodations, ensuring that all students thrive and succeed.
Triumph by fostering a supportive school environment that celebrates neurodiversity and helps every student flourish.
Expect to walk away with all this:
Tools and resources for effective reading instruction tailored to meet the needs of all students, including those with dyslexia.
Confidence in your ability to support struggling readers and foster a belief in their success.
Join a dynamic Educator Community for networking, learning, and growth.
Earn over 35 Continuing Education certificates to stay updated on the latest in literacy instruction.
Dyslexia & Science of Reading: What Educators and Educational Decision Makers Need to Know
Dyslexia represents the most common and most prevalent of all known learning disabilities and impacts approximately 1 in 5 individuals. This workshop introduces participants to the characteristics of dyslexia and related learning disabilities, including common deficits and strengths, clarifies common misunderstandings. Participants will learn about districts legal obligations and the framework and elements of Structured Literacy Instruction, which is essential for students with dyslexia but beneficial to all literacy learners. Participants, who are encouraged to attend in school teams, will learn ways to assess young children for indicators of dyslexia and strategies to support their successful literacy learning. This session will include participation-discussion, exploration, and hands-on experiences.
To learn indicators that a student may be at risk for dyslexia/to struggle to learn to read & write.
To understand specific needs of students who struggle to learn to read & write.
To learn legislative requirements & instructional approaches for preventing and remediating struggles in learning to read & write.
Clock Hours Provided
IMSE Literacy Leaders: How Mountain Mahogany Community Schools partnered with IMSE for change
We know transforming a district, a school, or a classroom takes leadership. Join us for a discussion with the Mountain Mahogany Community Schools Literacy Leaders, who will share how they transformed their school to ensure literacy for all students. This webinar discussion will be collaborative, with opportunities for you to ask questions about how you can become a Literacy Leader from where you are!
Champions for Dyslexia Workshop - E. WA Educators
Eastern WA K-12 Educators - join us for our first Champions for Dyslexia workshop through the INW Dyslexia Alliance!
Monday, April 15th
4:30-6 PM
Shadle Park Library, Events Room
This workshop marks the kickoff of Champions for Dyslexia, where we’ll make leader introductions, discuss our objectives and vision, and gather your input on future focus areas.
Champions for Dyslexia brings together educators across our region committed to understanding dyslexia and supporting students in their classrooms within a safe, collaborative, and encouraging environment.
Ready to spark change? Learn more and sign up for updates here
Champions for Dyslexia Workshop - N. ID Educators
Northern ID K-12 Educators - join us for our first Champions for Dyslexia workshop through the INW Dyslexia Alliance!
This workshop marks the kickoff of Champions for Dyslexia, where we’ll make leader introductions, discuss our objectives and vision, and gather your input on future focus areas.
Champions for Dyslexia brings together educators across our region committed to understanding dyslexia and supporting students in their classrooms within a safe, collaborative, and encouraging environment.
Ready to spark change? Learn more and sign up for updates here
Student Gathering - Hosted by the INW Dyslexia Alliance
Join us for an evening of LEGO-filled excitement!
The Brick Buy Brick team will lead kids through building competitions and LEGO-themed activities. Siblings are welcome to attend, so bring the whole family. Please note, this is not a drop-off event. See you there!
Dyslexia in the classroom
Come and be a part of The Well as presenters from the INW Dyslexia Alliance delve into understanding how dyslexia presents itself in various classroom settings across different age groups. The primary focus will be on equipping teachers with strategies to support their students, although everyone is encouraged to attend.
Directed Studies/Learning Resource/Reading Specialist Gathering - Hosted by the INW Dyslexia Alliance
Join us to connect with fellow peers!
IDA 2023 Annual Reading, Literacy & Learning Conference (Columbus, OH)
Connecting a global network of researchers, educators, families and people with dyslexia… "Until Everyone Can Read"
The IDA Annual Reading, Literacy and Learning Conference continues to be THE cannot miss event in the field of dyslexia! This year’s DyslexiaCon 23 will be packed with education sessions tailored specifically for professionals, families, and those affected by dyslexia. These sessions along with our highly popular Award Lectures and Symposia provide relevant and tangible take-aways for all attendees. Our 3-day conference begins with the General Opening Session, Special Tracks and Symposia, followed by concurrent breakout sessions.
This year we are offering three experiences to choose from - In person, In person special and Virtual
Overview of the INW Dyslexia Alliance and our services
Join us at The Well to find out more about the INW Dyslexia Alliance’s mission, the services we offer, and the fundamental pillars that guide us.
Dyslexia 101
Join INW Dyslexia Alliance presenters to learn more about dyslexia including common signs, important terms to know, myths, and practical steps to follow if dyslexia is suspected.
Experiencing Dyslexia: A Workshop for Administrators
Get ready for a groundbreaking webinar that will revolutionize the way administrators approach education! Step into the shoes of dyslexic students and truly understand their daily struggles in the classroom in a way you've never imagined.
This interactive live simulation will delve into students' educational experiences with reading difficulties. This safe and supportive space will allow you to explore their challenges without judgment, surrounded by peers who share your background and knowledge.
Through this workshop, you will:
• Empathize with a struggling reader in the classroom
• Understand the many impacts of the literacy struggle on a student’s learning experience
• Consider the environmental and academic supports necessary for struggling readers to succeed
Don't miss this eye-opening webinar that will shift your mindset on how to approach literacy instruction and help all students learn to read!
Caregiver Gathering - Hosted by the INW Dyslexia Alliance
For caregivers of dyslexic learners. Join us in this relaxed gathering to connect with fellow members of the dyslexia community.
DTI's Inaugural Virtual Dyslexia Advocacy Conference
Early Bird: Through July 2, 2023 - $99.00
Early Bird: July 2 - September 11, 2023 - $150
Late Registration: After September 12, 2023- $199
INW Dyslexia Alliance Open House
Join us in celebrating at our new Francis location! Check out the new space, meet our board members, and share in the excitement of this special milestone with us!
Dyslexia Training Institute - Dyslexia Certificate Program
The next certificate program begins June 5.
International Dyslexia Association - Upper Midwest Branch Conference
Sessions are for everyone: classroom teachers, tutors, parents and advocates of dyslexic students. Everyone is welcome! Registrants will gain online access to all recorded presentations from April 21 - June 21, 2023. No conference presentations will be held live.
Microsoft Accessibility Tools Office Hours - Bring your questions!
There are a number of built in accessibility supports across Microsoft platforms to support individuals with learning needs. Have you seen a presentation but not sure where to get started? Have you implemented one of our tools but need support to fully utilize the tool? Office hours is a time where you can connect with us, bring your questions, or even ask us to show you a tool again. We’ll also show you how you can stay up to date on new releases and upcoming trainings.
Comprehensive Dyslexia, Structured Literacy, & MTSS Course Bundle
State Approved!
Offered in partnership between Glean Education & the Washington State Department of Education
This learning opportunity is funded by Washington State OSPI through their Structured Literacy within an MTSS Framework Professional Development Initiative. Educators who complete this coursework are eligible to receive 18 Clock Hours from OSPI. (Details on Clock Hours can be found via the link below.)
All courses in this bundle are FREE of charge.
CityU-Slingerland Literacy Institute Partnership Webinar
Calling all Reading Teachers! 📢
Learn about a research-based approach to literacy instruction! In this webinar, we will introduce CityU’s newest partnership with the Slingerland™ Literacy Institute! With this new partnership, eligible participants can receive a tuition discount for their CityU Reading Endorsement program as a rebate for participating in a Slingerland™ summer course.
Slingerland™ Literacy Institute trains educators in a comprehensive, multisensory, structured language approach inclusive of all five pillars promoted by the science of reading: phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, plus the added benefit of handwriting instruction.
Webinar Details
When: May 30th | 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Where: Zoom
Supporting Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, ADHD, and More with Free Microsoft Assistive Technology
Students with learning disabilities are often at a disadvantage from their peers when it comes to accessing curriculum and engaging in classroom content. Microsoft’s broad set of assistive technology capabilities ensure that students of all abilities can personalize learning, break down barriers and to participate in their learning community. This session will discuss and demonstrate free, built-in tools within MS Word, Power Point, Edge Browser, OneNote, and more. These accessibility features were created to support student’s struggling reading, writing, math and communication.
The presenter will be sharing examples from Microsoft Education’s free accessibility suite of tools and sharing student and educator examples.
Leveraging Routines to Strengthen Executive Function Skills
The Seattle Special Education PTSA, in partnership with Decoding Dyslexia Washington, Inland Northwest Dyslexia Alliance, and Bellevue Literacy, present the next event in our Supporting your Dyslexic Learner webinar series: Leveraging Routines to Strengthen Executive Function Skills
Have you ever found yourself in a repeat reminder pattern with your child? Asking them constantly to wake up and get dressed to go to school, pick up their clothes off the floor, or put their lunch box away.
Children who are dyslexic or have other learning disabilities have weaker working memory and executive function skills, making it harder to complete everyday activities successfully. Executive function skills help our kids plan, organize, follow through on tasks, be independent, and more. Attend Leveraging Routines to Strengthen Executive Function Skills, and you will learn:
Why do executive function skills matter for dyslexic children
What can you do as a caregiver to support your child
How to leverage routines to ease transitions, create more flexible thinking, and more
All people have strengths and weaknesses with their executive function skills and could benefit from this webinar, but for people who are dyslexic or have other learning disabilities, learning to strengthen executive function skills is critical.
A New ReadWA Webinar: The Science of Writing, with Joan Sedita
Read Washington is thrilled to present our next live webinar, The Science of Writing: The Writing Rope Framework for Writing Instruction, presented by Joan Sedita, on Saturday, May 20th at 10:00 AM PDT.
Reading and writing have reciprocal benefits. Early writing (encoding) is the other side of the coin in the alphabetic principle. Many teachers do not recognize that effective writing instruction must address multiple components, represented as strands in a rope in this model. This webinar includes an overview of The Writing Rope model for writing instruction (Sedita, 2019). An explanation with references to research findings will be provided for the five strands: 1) Critical Thinking (generating ideas and information, stages of the writing process), 2) Syntax (syntactic awareness, sentence elaboration, punctuation), 3) Text Structure (narrative, informational, opinion; paragraph structure; patterns of organization, 4) Writing Craft (awareness of task, audience, purpose; word choice; literary devices), 5) Transcription (spelling and handwriting fluency). Writing instruction across grades 3-12 will be addressed.
The Science of Reading: A virtual learning experience with literacy leaders
The Why and How of Equitable Structured Literacy
OSPI Literacy Summit 2023
The Science of Reading, A Virtual Learning Experience with Literacy Leaders
The Why and How of Equitable Structured Literacy
Washington Literacy Summit 2023: The Science of Reading
A Virtual Learning Experience with Literacy Leaders
In this Synchronous literacy summit (via Zoom) you will learn about the Science of Reading (SoR) from literacy leaders.